In civilizations long since past, the aging female was looked upon with respect. The oldest in the community was often called the wise woman, crone, healer, witch or just mother.

Personally, I like the term crone. I want to be a Crone.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Warning About High Energy Drinks

High energy soft drinks puts kids at danger, but instead of admitting it for the safety of the kids who unwittingly drink the stuff that is so easy for them to get because it's legal, the people who profit point to the caffeine content. This really ticks grandma off.

Sure, a lot of these high energy drinks don't have that much more caffeine than coffee or other caffeine drinks, but the danger is not only in the caffeine. Stimulants that grandma and others who care about the health of the kids never even heard of are also in the drinks, but the smoke screen has gone up and the argument is about caffeine.

Meanwhile, kids are being put at risk. Even the risk of death.

According to this article at YCN: 

The overused drinks can cause strokes, heart palpitations, seizures or even sudden death from caffeine or like ingredients in the drinks, which the authors of the report claim are under studied. Nausea and diarrhea often results in young people who use the energy drinks.
 Sales from the drinks are supposed to top $9 billion dollars this year. Good reason for putting our kids at risk?

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