In civilizations long since past, the aging female was looked upon with respect. The oldest in the community was often called the wise woman, crone, healer, witch or just mother.

Personally, I like the term crone. I want to be a Crone.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Old Farts Should Just Give Up?

The New York Times has an article that says if you're over 50 and unemployed, you might just become old enough to collect Social Security before you ever find a job.


I'm thinking the NYT should get ready to print a retraction. These young whipper snappers don't know what the hell they're talking about.

We were raising our families during the recession of the 80's, and we did it successfully. We can do it again. You see, WE HAVE EXPERIENCE in making a comeback. Most of us were raising young children during that time and we managed to keep them fed, clothed and they grew up to be responsible adults. When the line a the unemployment office wound around several blocks, we looked for other options.

When somebody 'moves our cheese', we don't waste time crying about it. We start looking for it, and in addition, we know enough to look out for the better cheese we might find in our search.

Give up, my butt.

It's time to show the NYT that Baby Boomers can make quite a BANG when they decide to make something happen. Start keeping stats on the over 50 crowd that start their own business and end up hiring a person to help here and there. 

Keep stats on us washed up has beens who'll keep plugging away because WE KNOW HOW to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

While the younger crowd looks for a job that 'looks good' on their resume, we'll be talking about day jobs at the temp agency. We'll expand opportunities networking at the places we volunteer. 

We'll try new things because we know better than to let anyone tell us our horizons are shrinking.

NYT. Don't mess with us. Spend your time polishing up your resume, instead, because, in case you haven't heard, print journalism is in trouble.

And that's all Grandma has to say. (For Now)

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